
Demand for Resignation of Charity CEO Over Alleged Tommy Robinson Support

A recent controversy has sparked a demand for the resignation of Steve Jameison, the chief executive of the Royal College of Speaking and Language Therapy (RCSLT), after it was discovered that he allegedly followed Tommy Robinson on social media. The RCSLT, a professional body for individuals working in speech and language therapy in the UK, is facing backlash from its members who are calling for accountability and a strong stance against far-right ideologies.

The Discovery and Response

The revelation that Steve Jameison was following Tommy Robinson on X (formerly known as Twitter) came to light during the far-right riots last month. Members of the RCSLT raised concerns about this concerning discovery with the charity, prompting a response from Mr. Jameison. In his statement, he denied knowingly following accounts associated with racism or far-right ideologies and claimed that his account had been hacked. However, the explanation did little to quell the growing dissatisfaction among members of the RCSLT.

Warda Farah, a Speech Language Therapist and Lecturer at the University of Greenwich, spearheaded a campaign alongside 100 of her colleagues at the RCSLT, demanding Mr. Jameison’s resignation. Farah expressed shock, disbelief, concern, and worry over Jameison’s alleged association with Tommy Robinson, citing the EDL leader’s well-documented ties to far-right ideologies. She highlighted the hurtful impact of this revelation during an already stressful time for colleagues and friends.

The Campaign for Accountability

The campaign, led by Farah and her colleagues Dr. Vishnu Nair and Chloe Nkomo, focuses on holding the RCSLT leadership accountable for endorsing extreme ideologies through their social media interactions. The Anti-Racism Action Collective, formed by the core group, emphasized the contradiction between advocating for social justice and following individuals who incite violence against marginalized communities.

In an open letter to the RCSLT, the group highlighted the importance of upholding organizational values and maintaining trust among members. They called for transparency and swift action to address the concerns raised by the community. The letter urged the Board of Trustees, independent from the RCSLT executive, to investigate the situation urgently and take appropriate measures to restore confidence in the organization’s leadership.

The Board’s Response and Member Concerns

A spokeswoman from RCSLT acknowledged the distress caused to members and stakeholders by the recent events. She reassured the community that the situation was being investigated with the utmost care and respect by the Board of Trustees. However, despite these assurances, many members, especially black and brown individuals, expressed a loss of trust in the organization’s leadership.

Farah noted that the chief executive’s actions had undermined the organization’s values and tarnished its reputation. She emphasized the need for accountability and transparency to rebuild trust among members and ensure that the RCSLT remains committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the field of speech and language therapy.

Moving Forward

As the demand for Steve Jameison’s resignation gains momentum, it is clear that the RCSLT is at a critical juncture in addressing the concerns of its members and stakeholders. The organization must take decisive action to demonstrate its commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and social justice. By holding its leadership accountable and fostering an environment of trust and transparency, the RCSLT can reaffirm its dedication to advocating for the rights and well-being of all individuals in the field of speech and language therapy.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding Steve Jameison’s alleged support for Tommy Robinson has sparked a necessary conversation within the RCSLT about the values and principles that guide the organization. By addressing the concerns raised by its members and taking concrete steps to ensure accountability and transparency, the RCSLT can emerge stronger and more united in its mission to promote equality and diversity in speech and language therapy.