
In the second episode of The Hotline podcast, we delved into the importance of biodiversity and green space in the Eastlondonlines area, including Lewisham, Croydon, Tower Hamlets, and Hackney.

Starting off the show, we discussed the process of creating a community garden, directing listeners to the Government’s Community Garden Toolkit and providing a Risk Assessment Checklist as a helpful resource. We also highlighted existing community gardens in the ELL boroughs for inspiration, making it easy for residents to find one closest to them.

To further explore local biodiversity, we recommended checking out initiatives like No Mow May and Eco-Active UK, which are involved in exciting projects such as The Buzzline. For those interested in wildlife, the Zoological Society of London’s Hogwatch program, featuring cameras capturing urban wildlife, was also mentioned.

Listeners were encouraged to look into Tree Canopy Cover data in ELL Boroughs and stay informed about recent UK legislation regarding Biodiversity Net Gain. The episode, focusing on biodiversity and green space, was expertly edited and produced by Kate Balding, with research and presentation by Kate Balding and Pius Bentgens. Original music for the episode was provided by Pius Bentgens.

For those who missed it, episodes 1 and 3 of The Hotline are available for listening. The podcast is part of the ‘Climate Refresh’ series, aiming to educate listeners on local responses to the climate crisis.

Overall, The Hotline podcast serves as a valuable resource for those looking to learn more about environmental issues and initiatives in the Eastlondonlines area. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes and practical tips on how to make a positive impact on the environment in your community.